Monday, April 26, 2010

Mojo Interruption

So I know my youngest has been dropping pins into my sewing machine through the bobbin winding hole. I didn't think it was affecting my machine until my bobbin stopped winding. Hubby shook out all of the pins, that was quite a work-out and I tried again but apparently it wasn't the pins causing the problem. My machine is just simply broken.

This is the second time I've has to take this machine in within the last 6 months. The first time my timing was off and now it's the bobbin winding issue. Growing up my mom always said, "you have to get a Singer". Well, I did. And I'm not impressed. Apparently I'm not the only one that's had this problem either.


  1. I'm having problems with my Singer too! My MIL said I just had to get rid of my Brother (which I actually liked despite it's simplicity). So when she bought her $800 Bernina, she gave me her Singer. I've had nothing but problems. Bobbin winding, slipped stitches (even though I've changed the needle twice), ridiculous thread nests. Needless to say, you have my sympathies. :)

  2. Isn't it frustrating?!! I guess we just know how to give those machines a good workout! :)

  3. I think the only good singers were the one's made of metal during my Grandma's time. Everyone I've ever used since has been a pain. I love my old Brother. It's plain jane, but it's a workhorse.
